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Is a VPN Worth It or Should You Get a Free One or Not Use It at All?

Is a VPN worth it or is using a free one a better choice? Or should you not use a VPN at all? It depends on what you seek and the service you use. Is a VPN Worth It or Will You Be Okay Without It? If you only use your device to check the news and don’t send any sensitive messages or don’t do things that you are not proud of on the internet,..

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Is a VPN legal to use in the UK? As of 2018 - Netflix & Content

Is a VPN legal to use in the UK? After all, it can be used for so many bad things such as downloading illegal content. Should that not make it illegal? It is not as simple as that. Here’s a great example, a knife can be used to chop vegetables, but it can also be used to kill people. A VPN can be used to stay protected from people stealing your i..

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Things to Know Before Using a VPN Service in 2018

You sign up. You install it. Of course, you turn it on. BOOM. You are secure. You are free. Except, that’s not always the case. You aren’t always free, and you certainly aren’t always secure. There’s a few thing to know before using a VPN otherwise you might be missing out on security. Whether that’s because of your lack of knowledge or b..

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How to Find out If a Movie Is on Netflix and How to Watch It

You really want to watch a movie or a TV show in high quality? The chances are that it’s on Netflix, but if you want to find out if a movie is on Netflix, you need to search for it right. And most of the time, people search wrong. Scrolling through categories or searching in the search box is not enough. You need to avoid these two methods. Ho..

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How to watch BBC iPlayer outside of the UK - BBC guide

You got PrivateVPN to watch BBC iPlayer outside of the UK? It’s not that simple. It’s not as easy as connecting to a server and just watching. Here are a few things to know if you want to watch BBC iPlayer outside of the UK. Ireland Is Not Part of the UK A lot of people confuse this. Northern Ireland is part of the UK. Actual Ireland isnâ..

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How to Watch Polish TV in the UK in 2018

You have Polish roots due to WW2. Perhaps your parents moved to the UK when you were little. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you want to watch the Polish national team play. Well unless it’s the FIFA World Cup or Poland is playing England, the chances are you will not be able to watch the Polish national team play in the UK. That’s wh..

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How to Keep Your Internet Browsing Private at Work in 2018

So you want to keep your internet browsing private at work in 2018? Perhaps you had a bad experience with your activities on the internet being monitored last year with your past or current employe and were given a warning. Well, we believe in privacy wherever you are. Whether in somebody's home, the airport, or at work. These are some of ..

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How to Unblock Netflix - Guide

You are here to unblock Netflix. Great. Here are a few things you should know first. Devices That PrivateVPN Works With VPN is great until your device doesn’t support it. PrivateVPN supports all major devices including Windows, Android, MacOS, and iOS devices. It also supports the Amazon Fire TV Stick. It does however not work ..

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How to Use American Netflix in Canada in 2018

So you want to use American Netflix in Canada? Of course because perhaps you live 20 miles outside of the US and have a friend that lives just 40 miles away from you in the US. You see that friend every single day, and you often stay over in each other’s homes. You both also love Netflix. And one day you decided to do TV show nights. This whole ..

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