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Our Internet provider for our back end system had some smaller outage. This caused issues on connecting to our VPN service. *Update* 15:16 Seems like our provider stills has issues. This has been reported. *Update* 15:38 Seems stable now. Our servers aren't dropping any packets anymore. We're still waiting ..

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PrivateVPN client issues

Lately we have received mails regarding client issues after we moved to a new system. If you face a message "Could not retrieve user account information", try this fix: 1. Close privatvpn.exe, this can be done through task manager 2. Install the client from: https://privatevpn.com/client/install.exe

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New website

Finally our new website are up and running. There are some work left, such as new languages, displaying account information, recruit program, remote help function etc. If you find anything wrong on the website, don't hesitate to contact us at support@privatvpn.se

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