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How to watch 9Now in the US

Want to watch 9Now in the US? Right now, you’ll be greeted to a “Sorry, 9Now is only available in Australia” message. By the end of this guide? You’ll be watching whatever content you want on 9Now, whether that’s Australian content, American content, or Live TV.

And there’s a ton to choose from.

Premium American content such as Manifest, The Big Bang Theory, as well as many retro hits such as the legendary Miami Vice.

And well, you’ll find out about how much content there is after you unblock it.

In this guide, we’ll also show you why 9Now is only available in Australia in the first place.

Why is 9Now Not Available Outside of Australia

Due to the same reason why most American platforms like for instance Hulu, are not available in Australia.

It goes down to rights to the content.

Most of the content on 9Now is not Australian, but instead American.

In the US, companies that made that content show that content, but in markets where they don’t belong, they sell the rights to that content, to increase profit.

Platforms like 9Now buy those rights and can then show that content in Australia.

The keyword here being “in Australia.”

Since 9Now is an Australian platform, it doesn’t make sense for it to pay for rights in other countries, too, since its main audience is in Australia.

The result? 9Now can only show content in Australia.

And this is something that happens with almost all platforms around the world.

Even with Netflix. That’s the reason for why American Netflix has much more content than other Netflix regions.

How to Watch 9Now in the US

There are three steps to watching 9Now in the US.

  1. Make 9Now think you are in Australia.
  2. Create a 9Now account.
  3. Get the app which isn’t available in the US app store.

Unblocking 9Now in the US

To unblock 9Now, you are going to need to make 9Now think that you are in Australia.

For that, you will need to be in Australia, virtually.

This is where VPN services come in.

You probably heard of VPN services before. They are often advertised for safety purposes, but one of the main reasons people use them is to unblock blocked platforms.

In Europe and Australia, to unblock platforms like DAZN, Hotstar, and Hulu, meanwhile in the US, to unblock platforms like 9Now, BBC, and RTE.

Already know about VPN services? Then you’ve probably already tried using them to unblock 9Now, and it didn’t work. Right?

That’s because it’s not as simple as just using a VPN and connecting to an Australian server.

Almost all entertainment platforms have blocks against VPN services.

That’s because they have to.

Otherwise, they would be breaking their agreements of just showing content in their region.

That’s why it’s not enough to just connect to a VPN server in Australia.

And that’s why quantity doesn’t increase the amount of services you can unblock.

That’s where PrivateVPN comes in, as a service that focuses on less servers, but that instead focuses on quality.

Having thousands of servers is great, but quality is more important when it comes to entertainment. That’s why at PrivateVPN, we’ve been pushing out using our own hardware, and utilizing internet network capacity from Tier 1 network providers.

But why don’t you try it out yourself? There’s a 7-day free trial with no need for a card. Just provide an email address and a password, and just like that, you are in.

Then, connect to a 9Now server, and you are in.

Creating a 9Now Account in the US

Before you can watch anything on 9Now, you will need an account.

And that’s overall pretty straightforward, but there’s one thing you will need to look at.

The zip code.

It needs to be Australian.

In this case, you will need to search for an Australian postcode generator on Google and will then need to provide it.

Other than that, apart from the fact that 9Now asks you for quite a bit of information such as your gender and age, you are pretty much done.

The last issue? Getting the 9Now app in the US.

How to Get the 9Now App on Apple Devices

To get 9Now on Apple devices, you will first need to sign out of your iCloud account, followed by creating a new one, with your location set in Australia.

When you do that, you’ll be able to download the 9Now app.

And then...Sign back into your old account.

When it comes to Apple devices, it’s super important you create a new account for this purpose as if you don’t, you will lose everything.

How to Get the 9Now App on Android Devices

  • Connect to an Australian location with PrivateVPN.
  • Click on 3 bars on the top-left of the screen in your Play Store.
  • Press on Account.
  • Switch your region to be in Australia.
  • Restart the Play Store.
  • Download 9Now in the US.

Can You Get the 9Now App on a TV?

Of course, entertainment is enjoyed the best on a big screen.

However, this is where it gets slightly more complicated.

Why? As most TV platforms, whether it be smart TVs or platforms like Apple TV, Chromecast, or Roku, don’t support VPN services.

We do have 3 solutions to that issue, though.

  1. Connect your laptop to a TV via HDMI.
  2. Get an Amazon Fire TV Stick.
  3. Install a VPN on a router.

The first method is, without a doubt, the quickest.

For most, the second is the most practical and convenient for other entertainment platforms too.

The Amazon Fire TV devices support VPN services, and that’s the key to their greatness.

And the third way? To install a VPN on your router, which we don't recommend as most routers can’t handle VPN services.

Got the Amazon Fire TV Stick? Great.

When signing up, sign up to be in Australia.

Already have a Fire TV Stick and need to change your location to get the 9Now app?

  1. Go to your current Amazon account in the web browser.
  2. Click on Accounts & Lists, and then go to Manage Your Account and Content.
  3. Choose for your region to be in Australia.
  4. Go to your Amazon Fire TV device. Press on Settings and My Account.
  5. Deregister and sign back into your Amazon account.
  6. Download 9Now.

That’s How to Watch 9Now in the US

Found this useful?

With PrivateVPN and the help of our guides, you’ll be able to unblock even more content.

Some services like this? They are quite simple to unblock. Some? They are a bit more complex, thus we cover them on our blog.

Written by Michael Smolski.

Disclaimer: While PrivateVPN works with 9Now, it cannot guarantee 100% non-stop connection with 9Now. Due to the fact services like 9Now make efforts against VPN services, no VPN service can provide this guarantee.