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Disney Plus Polska - How to Watch Disney Plus in Poland

Looking for Disney Plus in Poland? The bad news? It’s not coming until between October 2020 and October 2021. The good news? That Disney Plus Polska is possible right now with a few steps that we will share in this guide.

The steps to getting Disney Plus in Poland?

  1. Trick Disney Plus into thinking you are in a supported region such as the Netherlands, Ireland, or the US.
  2. Create a Disney Plus account. (Not as simple as it tends to be.)
  3. Download Disney Plus which currently isn’t an option in the Polish app store.

Tricking Disney Plus to Make Disney Plus Polska Work

Disney Plus needs to think that you are in a supported Disney location before you can access it.

This is a fundament for unblocking any streaming platform that is not available in Poland or anywhere for that matter.

For that, you need a VPN.

VPN services? They allow you to change your location virtually.

So that you can for instance be in the US without being there.

Does that mean that any VPN in the US will unblock Disney? 

It won’t.

It’s not as simple as just having a VPN server in the right region.

Platforms like Disney have measures in place to prevent VPN services from working.

This is where PrivateVPN comes in as a service with focus on entertainment. By focusing on less servers, but on servers of quality, PrivateVPN is able to unblock the top entertainment services around the world.

But you can see for yourself. PrivateVPN offers a 7-day trial with no need for a card. And after that, you can get it for even as little as $3.82 per month. 

Simply connect to a Disney Plus server, and as far as this step goes, that’s it.

But unlike most guides, this is not where the steps end

Getting a VPN is the most important step of this Disney Plus Polska guide, but it’s not the hardest one.

Getting a Disney+ account is the hardest part.

Creating a Disney Plus Polska Account

Disney Plus is one of the hardest platforms to unblock because of how hard it is to create a Disney Plus account.

That’s because the card needs to be issued in the region where you are connected to, virtually.

When it comes to Hulu, a UK based Revolut card worked for creating an account. 

Revolut doesn’t work with Disney Plus though.

And that’s a major issue.

The solution?

To sign up for a Disney Plus account via your app store on your phone.

This is the most effective method of getting Disney Plus and works because both Apple and Google handle the payments instead of Disney.

Of course, for this to work, you will first need to be able to download the Disney Plus app in Poland which currently is not an option.

How to Get the Disney Plus App to Create an Account - Android

  • Connect to a Disney Plus location via PrivateVPN.
  • Press on 3 bars on the top-left of the screen in your Play Store followed by clicking on Account.
  • Google will now give you an option to change your store. Select it.
  • Update your payment method to do so. 
  • Restart the Play Store.
  • Download the Disney Plus app.

Now that you have the Disney Plus app, simply sign up for an account via your Android phone, and just like that, you will be subscribed.

How to Get the Disney Plus App to Create an Account - Apple Devices

The steps on Apple devices differ completely.

On Apple devices, instead of changing your details, you need to create a new account, based in a supported region.

To do that, sign out of your iCloud account followed by creating a new one.

When you do that, download the Disney Plus app.

...And then, of course, while connected to a VPN, sign up for a Disney account.

After you have done all this, then you can sign back into your old account, and everything will be as it previously was, but you’ll still have Disney Plus.

Why not just change the region like on Android devices?

As that would result in you losing everything.

Disney Plus Polska on a TV?

Great movies are best watched on the big screen.

And well, Disney has quite a lot of them. Whether it’s Frozen, WALL-E, Star Wars, or The Incredibles.

And there is luckily a way to watch Disney Plus in Poland on a TV too.

Although, the methods aren’t the most ideal.

The simplest? To connect your laptop and TV via HDMI.

The most practical? To get an Amazon Fire TV Stick.

Why? As the Amazon Fire TV Stick supports VPN services which most entertainment platforms including Apple TV, Roku, and Chromecast don’t.

If you are only getting a Fire TV Stick now, set it up to be in the region that supports Disney Plus.

If you already have one and it’s set up in the wrong region, here’s what you can do:

  1. Go to your current Amazon account in the web browser.
  2. Select on Accounts & Lists, and then go to Manage Your Account and Content.
  3. Choose for your region to be in a Disney supported region.
  4. Go to your Amazon Fire TV device. Press on Settings and My Account.
  5. Deregister and sign back into your Amazon account.
  6. Download Disney Plus.

And there’s one more way. To install a VPN on a router, although we don’t advise on that since most routers just simply cannot handle that.

That’s How to Watch Disney Plus Polska

Want to watch much more than just Disney Plus in Poland?

At PrivateVPN we have a ton of guides on our blog around how to unblock entertainment, but in almost all cases, if you stick to what was shared in this guide, you’ll be able to unblock pretty much any entertainment platform that is not available in Poland or elsewhere for that matter.

Written by Michael Smolski.

Disclaimer: While PrivateVPN supports Disney Plus, due to the nature of services like Disney having to prevent VPN services from working, no VPN service can guarantee 100% support of Disney, at all given times.