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How to Hack Netflix to Unblock All Netflix Content

Netflix is a great platform that can easily replace the need for a TV subscription, but how great it depends entirely on where you live. For instance, Estonia only has around 15% of Netflix content. And while that 15% of content still offers a pretty big number of movies and shows, what if the show that you want not available in your country? There’s a 75% chance of that in Estonia. And the same applies in many other countries such as Saudi Arabia, China, and that’s just to name a few.

Why Do You Need to Search for How to Hack Netflix to Unblock All Netflix Content? Why Can’t You Watch Everything on Netflix Right Away?

As it doesn’t have the rights to show that content.

Every country has their own TV channels, and those TV channels compete for content, often buying exclusive rights to show a certain show or movie in a country. And that’s who Netflix is competing with, in every single country. How are you meant to show something if a company already has exclusive rights to it? That’s one of the main reasons for why there’s such a massive content inequality out there, and for why you are searching for how to hack Netflix to unblock all Netflix content.

This Is How to Hack Netflix to Unblock All Netflix Content

It goes down to changing the location of your Netflix account. That’s the only thing limiting you from viewing all of Netflix’s content is your location. There’s no need for American cards as with Hulu, there’s no need for changing the location of your app store, it’s just one step.

And this will help you regardless of where you are. Even the US doesn’t have all of the content available on Netflix.

How do you hack Netflix to unblock all Netflix content? By using a VPN.

A VPN is a virtual private network, and yes, the use of VPN is fully legal and safe, unless you are in a country with censorship. The likes of China have made the use of such services illegal. VPN services are used by millions of people across the world to stay safe on the internet, but in your case, also allows you to hack Netflix, or any other service, by changing your location to be in a different place.

But there’s only one way to hack Netflix to unblock all Netflix content.

You need to use PrivateVPN. And we aren’t saying that just because we want you to use our service but as PrivateVPN supports the most Netflix regions on the market with the support of 21 different regions on the market. If you are looking for just American Netflix, we aren’t the only solution. If you are looking for the most content possible, we are the only solution.

There are services that have a far bigger number of servers out there, but we care about the quality of our servers rather than quantity. Hundreds of servers that don’t work with the services that you want to use are of no value at all, and the issue with wanting to hack Netflix to unblock all Netflix content is that Netflix has to take measures against VPN services due to the pressure of the companies that hold rights to content.

After all, why should someone pay for their TV subscription to watch a certain show if they can get it for cheaper with Netflix?

But quality doesn’t just mean having servers that work but having servers that allow you to watch in high quality. Here’s what Lars says about us:

What Devices Can You Hack Netflix On?

If you want to hack Netflix to unblock all Netflix content, a VPN is what you need. But what type of devices will this method work on?

All desktop devices, iPhone devices, and Android devices whether that’s your phone or the likes of the Fire TV Stick.

Unfortunately, the likes of Chromecast and Apple TV do not support this method due to the fact they do not support VPN services.

That’s How to Hack Netflix to Unblock All Netflix Content

Want to hack other platforms than Netflix? Do you want to learn how to watch BBC iPlayer abroad? Perhaps you want to watch Hulu or DAZN? We have a lot of helpful content on our blog, and while the platforms mentioned are harder to unblock, PrivateVPN works with all of them.

Ready to try us out so that you can enjoy the most content possible and so that you can leave your TV subscription behind?

Written by Michael Smolski.